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Why Give to WIS

Support Winterset In Summer

The mission of Winterset In Summer is to bring together writers and readers for an exchange of ideas. From its inception, Winterset in Summer has had, at its heart, the goal of highlighting and celebrating great writing, especially in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Our generous sponsors have helped us deliver a vibrant festival with high-quality programming every year for the past 20 plus years.

Your support ensures we can attract the brightest lights on the literary and music scene–and will help keep the conversation thriving for another 20 years!

Donation Categories

Ways to Support Winterset In Summer

Become a Festival SPONSOR

$ 1000+ gift

Become a FRIEND of the Festival

$ 250+ gift

Become a Festival SUPPORTER

$ 20-$249 between



How to Give

Support Winterset In Summer

Winterset in Summer is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Reg. #834141491RR0001). All donations receive a charitable tax receipt. View charity returns at CRA.

Choose from a one-time donation or regular monthly donations, become a Friend, give to the Festival’s General Fund or to a Writers Fund used to bring in high-profile writers who may be otherwise outside of our budget.

Donate By Mail

Send your cheque to:
Winterset in Summer

P.O. Box 25

Eastport, NL

A0G 1Z0.