Rosemary Lawton Band hosted by Jamie Fitzpatrick


When: Sunday, August 11, 4:00 pm

ROSEMARY LAWTON is a decorated artist with MusicNL wins and ECMA nominations to her credit. She is no stranger to crafting an emotionally beautiful and soul-stirring tune. A classically trained violinist, with her roots firmly set in Newfoundland soil, Rosemary’s determination to learn and grow in her traditional heritage has taken her on a unique journey that has shaped her as a violinist, singer, songwriter, and storyteller.

Her latest album “Canvas” is Rosemary’s first complete album of original music. The songs cover topics of love, loss, empowerment, and positivity. In previous projects, her music has been a hybrid of both classical and traditional genres. Recently, Rosemary was able to contribute to Tony Award-Winning Broadway Musical “Come From Away’s” latest album “Covers From Away,” in which, she had the opportunity to work with the writers of the musical to arrange a new version of the song “I am Here.” In her album’s “Untamed,” “Fierce,” and her song book “Resilience,” Rosemary explores traditional Newfoundland and Labrador songs that focus on tales of empowering women. Through these projects, Rosemary’s research is helping to bring female empowerment to the forefront of Newfoundland tradition.

Rosemary is also a music educator, and focuses on bringing traditional music into schools, and advocating for marginalized groups through her work. Through her creativity, and positivity, Rosemary is helping to enrich her community, and help make the world a better place one song at a time.

JAMIE FITZPATRICK is a writer and broadcaster in St. John’s and a member of the Port Authority writing group. He is the author of the novels The End of Music, and You Could Believe in Nothing which won the Fresh Fish Award for Emerging Writers in Newfoundland and Labrador.